
Our Work

Our Approach

We rescue and bring restoration to the lives of orphaned children living in some of the harshes places on the planet. We accomplish this by partnering with families, community leaders and churches, and together, we address vulnerabilities, provide education, and create opportunities to empower those who have been forgotten.

We take a whole-child perspective on orphan care. We empower our graduates to excel beyond secondary school. And we get to the root of the problem though our community development work.

Orphan Care

Our approach to orphan care takes the whole child into account. We begin with meeting their basic human needs: Food, clean water, a safe home, medical and dental care. Then we build upon that foundation by providing high quality education, spiritual formation and counseling. A child deserves to do more then just survive, our passion is to see them thrive.


Advance Education

When a child reaches their highest potential, the world can change. Elevate provides advanced education for our graduates. Each person is uniquely gifted and called, and so we counsel and walk with our children after their secondary school education to find the best path for a successful future. We offer scholarships, vocational and skills training, and microfinance opportunities.

Community Development

We not only desire to rescue the orphan of today, we want to prevent children from becoming orphans in the future. This requires us to dig down to the source of problems that have caused so many children to become orphans. We focus on clean water, healthcare, women’s empowerment, church planting, and food aid.


Children in our


Meals served
each year


S4 Graduates

Where We Work


Oromia Region


Northern Region

Lydia’s Words

The biggest lesson I learned at OtinoWaa is love.The bond between us remains wherever we go. We look at others who were like us and see how we can love and help them. I learned spiritual strength at Otino Waa – to trust God even when things are hard. My advice for current OtinoWaa kids is to work very hard! Have confidence that you can do more than you think.You can do even more than you imagine.You are capable of greater things.Work hard and trust God.


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Where We Work


Oromia Region


Northern Region

Lydia’s World

The biggest lesson I learned at OtinoWaa is love.The bond between us remains wherever we go. We look at others who were like us and see how we can love and help them. I learned spiritual strength at Otino Waa – to trust God even when things are hard. My advice for current Otino Waa kids is to work very hard! Have confidence that you can do more than you think. You can do even more than you imagine. You are capable of greater things. Work hard and trust God.

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