Bala CBC Visit and Food Aid
We had another amazing CBC visit. When we arrived, the community was waiting for us and welcomed us with songs of praises at their church.
A few of our kids who are in P5, P6 and P7 were leading powerful praise and worship, and later there was a moment of prayer. Social Worker, Gloria, shared the word of God from Mathew 6:33 with the gathering. It was a good reminder to everyone to keep seeking God and keep the fire of serving God burning in your hearts.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
Social workers Emma and Christine checked in with all the kids and the care takers. Before people departed to their different homes, each CBC household received 20 kg of Posho flour, 1 kg of sugar and 1 bar of soap for each child in the program, and sanitary pads for the older girls.
Both kids and caretakers went home celebrating and joyous. They were so thankful for the support.

The major challenge most people in this community has battled is food shortage.
Thankfully, the rain has just begun so most people are busy working in their gardens. They were so grateful for the food and said this support will help them a lot, as now they will have something to eat while they work in the garden and wait for the harvest. Most kids in this community love to go with their Caretakers to the garden to help wherever they can during holidays breaks from school, like the one they are on.
From the children and community of Bala, Northern Uganda, we send great thanks to all the supporters.
May God Bless You!
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