Elizabeth and Mercy’s Story
Elizabeth and Mercy are sisters who came to Otino Waa at the beginning of 2023. Their mother had a mental disability and was raped by an unknown person two times, which is how Mercy and Elizabeth were born. Later, their mother died and their sickly grandmother was left to take care of the girls. At one point they became homeless when wild animals chased them away from their original home. They lived on the streets of a market with no food or basic needs.

One day Elizabeth climbed a mango tree to look for mangos. She fell out of the tree and broke her arm. The old woman could not afford to take her to the hospital, so Elizabeth’s condition became worse. It got so bad that it drew the attention of a passerby who happened to be a nurse. The nurse took her to the hospital and hosted them. (In Uganda, patient’s families have to bring food and supplies like bedsheets, as nothing is provided at the hospital.) When the nurse learned their story, she began to search for a way to help the girls. When she heard about Otino Waa, she sent an application right away.
Mercy and Elizabeth’s stories changed when they joined both Otino Waa this year. Both are living happily with no worries about what to eat when hungry. They have clothes to wear, shoes on their feet, beds to sleep in, clean water to drink and medical and dental care, as well as education. They are both sweet, happy girls who love their new home very much. Both Mercy and Elizabeth are focusing on their education so that they can be successful and have a good life when they grow up.

Your support is critical! Without you, we would not be able to help children like Elizabeth and Mercy. A wonderful way to get involved is to Sponsor a Child. We invite you to learn more:
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