by Amanda | May 5, 2023 | Aid, Community Based Care, Community Development, Hope Collective, Main, medical care, Otino Waa, Roots, Sponsor a Child, Uganda
Barobogo Medical Outreach – Uganda On May 3rd we had the opportunity to do a Medical Outreach to the Barobogo community in Northern Uganda. This is one of the communities that we drilled a well for in 2022. Since the well was drilled, we have seen a major...
by Amanda | Jan 31, 2023 | Education, Main, Otino Waa, Sponsor a Child, Uganda
First 24 Hours at Otino Waa This week our social workers and Reverend Dickens have been traveling throughout the Northern Ugandan bush to pick up all the new children. This year we are welcoming in 30 new children at Otino Waa. We photographed a few of the children...
by Amanda | Jan 6, 2023 | Aid, Community Based Care, Community Development, Hope Collective, Main, medical care, Otino Waa, Roots, Uganda
7th Medical Outreach in 2022 The year wrapped up with our 7th Medical Outreach in 2022. About 340 patients were seen and treated, making it the largest medical outreach of the year. There was a lot of malaria and respiratory tract infections among the children. ...
by Amanda | Dec 2, 2022 | Community Based Care, Ethiopia, Main, Otino Waa, Sponsor a Child, Uganda
You Have Made a Child’s Christmas Special! This year, you have been the hands and feetof Jesus to so many orphaned children! You have given them hope that they can feel and experience – from the warm meals in their bellies and the clean, fresh clothing...
by Amanda | Nov 28, 2022 | Community Based Care, Community Development, Hope Collective, Main, medical care, Otino Waa, Roots, Sponsor a Child, Uganda
6th Medical Outreach in 2022! In November, we held our 6th medical outreach for the year! This was a wonderful blessing for the people of this area. Sick people from 8 different communities came, with almost 200 people receiving treatment. The majority of the patients...
by Amanda | Oct 14, 2022 | Education, Hope Collective, Main, Otino Waa, Sponsor a Child, Uganda
Prayer and Dedication for S4 Exams Today our Ugandan S4 students started their national exams! Exams will go for the next several weeks, so please be praying for the students. The results of these exams will determine their next steps in education and so much of their...