Why Care for Orphans?
Why Orphan Care?
At the core of it, we are working to help orphaned children because it is what Jesus has called us to. Throughout the Bible, God speaks of his particular love for the fatherless, and He calls to us to open our hearts and provide whatever protection, care and love that we can to orphans. Our call is firmly rooted in our love of Jesus and our desire to obey and imitate him.
Orphaned children are the most vulnerable people on earth.The major challenges orphaned children face include: malnutrition, no access to clean water, healthcare, shelter, sanitation, or clothing; loss of opportunity for education, child labor, human trafficking, and domestic violence.

What Orphans are Facing in Uganda
Over 2 million orphaned children in Uganda
AIDS: In 2018, 28,319 Ugandans died in AIDS, accounting for 10.91% of all deaths
Malaria: Uganda has the 3rd highest malaria death rate in the world
Child Labor: Over 18% of Ugandan children are involved in child labor
Abuse: Ugandan orphans are 5 times more likely to be physically abused than non-orphans
Human trafficking is highest among orphaned children
What Orphans are Facing in Ethiopia
Over 4.5 million orphaned children in Ethiopia
Child Brides: 40% of women were in a union or marriage under the age of 18
Child Labor: 45% of children are involved in child labor
Education: Only 47% of children finish Primary School. For orphaned children this number is even lower as they cannot afford school materials, uniforms etc.
But there is hope!
Your support has changed hundreds of orphaned children’s lives. Because of you, they are growing up healthy and strong, receiving what they need to thrive.
And we believe that God has saved them for a purpose! We don’t know all that God will do with their lives, but we are moving forward with confidence knowing we are acting in obedience to his call, and that He who has begun a good work will bring it to completion. Thank you for being a part of this ministry!

More Updates
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Fall Fundraising Tour
We wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered, attended and hosted the various fundraising events for PATH this fall. It has been a packed few weeks, but we feel incredibly blessed...